Thursday, December 2, 2010

Scholastic Book Warehouse Sale!

Now this is a sweet deal! Not only have I been looking for something to do AND looking for a way to afford a new collection of books for my Little Ones, but I ran up on this sweet deal of volunteering at Scholastic Books Warehouse Sale in exchange for books. Well, they give u a $10 voucher for every hour that you volunteer. And you can volunteer for 8 hours! $80 worth of books with hundreds of books under $2??? I mean I was looking for 8 books or so, but with this kind of deal I am gonna have to buy a new book shelf! Needless to say I signed up already to put in my time. If you are interested in volunteering at the same time lemme know. The website indicates that the event is for school and district employees and volunteers, but I was told that they are not strict about the volunteers. So sign up! :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

UmiBaby... In the Beginning

I need a place where i can ramble about my triumphs and challenges of motherhood. A place where I can share some parenting life savers and share my best advice received from readings, my own experiences, and seasoned parents who give me shortcuts to avoid my own mommy meltdown. So here it is! The UmiBaby blog